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Is Bio-RF Needling for me?

What’s Bio-RF Needling?

Microneedling combined with RF-Energy (Radio Frequency) is a newer, go-to non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure that can address many skin issues.
Microneedling uses a fine needle to create micro wounds, or channels, in the skin. This triggers the production of capillaries, elastin, and collagen. It’s also called skin needling or collagen induction therapy. The needle releases radiofrequency into the channels, causing additional damage. This enhances the effects of standard microneedling; without undergoing any invasive surgical procedures.

What are the BENEFITS of Bio-RF Needling?

One of the main benefits of RF Microneedling is that it has minimal downtime yet provides an abundance of collagen building.

The skin that grows back is thicker and smoother. This can target:
1. Fine lines
2. Wrinkles
3. Stretch marks
4. Appearance of large pores
5. Acne scars
6. Scars from injury or surgery
7. Hyperpigmentation
8. Loose, sagging skin
9. Cellulite
10. Hyperhidrosis

How does Bio-RF Needling work? What’s the process?

How does it work?
Once the tip of the Bio-RF Needle is placed on the skin, it activates the suctioning function which lifts up the skin to further allow the cluster of thin fine needles to penetrate into the skin at an adequate amount of depth for collagen stimulation. (Microneedle depths can vary from 0.5mm to 4.0mm)
2. Radiofrequency energy is then released into the skin layer
3. This injury causes the body to react and kick into a healing mode. This in turn is what generates collagen production.
4. This improves the overall texture, pores, acne scars, and wrinkles.

DURING procedure

1. One week before the treatment, your doctor may advise about what medications you should stop using; like retinoids, AHAs and BHAs.
2. A topical numbing cream will then be applied so you won’t feel the treatment taking place.
3. The treatment is done over the entire face, which usually takes around 25 to 30+ minutes total. Depending on the device and your skin tolerance level.
4. Repair cream is applied onto your face after the treatment to soothe skin.
5. If it is still light out, sunscreen will be applied onto skin before leaving.

AFTER procedure

6. Use a gentle cleanser, moisturizer and a broad-spectrum sunscreen to help protect, heal and soothe skin. Avoid retinoids and exfoliants like AHAs and BHAs for a few days until the skin has healed.
7. Apply ice packs to reduce swelling and discomfort. If you have a low pain tolerance level, you can also take OTC painkillers orally.
8. After 48-72 hours, you can return to your normal makeup and skin care routine.

What are the risks or side effects?

As RF Microneedling is considered a non-invasive procedure, the risk and downtime involved are minimal. One of the most common side-effects felt by most patients-
1. Redness
2. Slight irritation
3. Peeling of skin

However, typical discomfort of the skin generally last 2-24 hours post procedure.
What are the contra-indications?
1. Pregnancy/lactation
2. Autoimmune disease
3. Metal Implants
4. Defibrillator
5. Pacemaker
6. Cancer
7. Skin disease

In conclusion-

Bio RF-Needling is a safe and fast, non-surgical and highly effective procedure done for all types of skin, age, gender and for a variety of skin related issues. It’s a quick painless way to target specific problematic areas on the skin like acne scars, enlarged pores, wrinkles and sagging of the skin without any major side effects. Why delay any further? The faster you start, the quicker results you’ll get!

Dr. Arthee Alam

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