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Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair can be reduced using laser hair removal. The bikini line, chin, upper lip, legs, and armpits are among the areas that are frequently treated. All areas can be treated for unwanted hair, except the eyelid and its surrounding tissues. Tattooed skin also shouldn’t be treated.


Make an appointment for a consultation with the doctor beforehand to find out if laser hair removal is the right course of action for you.
The physician will provide detailed preparation guidelines for laser hair removal. These could consist of:

Avoiding the sunlight: As directed by your physician, stay out of the sun both before and after treatment. Apply a broad-spectrum, SPF-30 sunscreen before you go outside.

Lighter skin: Any sunless skincare that darkens your skin should be avoided. In addition, if you have darker skin or recently tanned skin, your doctor may prescribe a skin-whitening cream.

Staying away from other hair removal techniques: It is best to avoid electrolysis, waxing, and plucking at least four weeks before treatment because they can disrupt the hair follicle.

Avoiding drugs that thin the blood: Find out from your doctor which medications, including aspirin or anti-inflammatory meds, you should not take right before the treatment.

It is advised to shave and trim the day before laser therapy: It preserves the hair shaft beneath the skin’s surface but eliminates hair above the skin that may cause burns to the skin’s surface.

Benefits of bio-laser hair removal:

Among the advantages of laser hair removal are:

Precision: Dark, coarse hairs can be specifically targeted by lasers without harming the surrounding skin.

The speed: A fraction of a second is all that the laser needs to treat one hair at a time. Every second, the laser can cover an area around the size of a quarter. Larger areas like the back or legs may require up to an hour to treat, while smaller parts like the upper lip can be done in less than a minute.

Reliability: After three to seven sessions on average, the majority of patients have permanent hair loss.


Hair shedding occurs over a few days to weeks; it doesn’t happen completely at once. This might appear to be ongoing hair growth. Since laser therapy is most effective when applied to hair follicles that are in the new-growth stage, multiple treatments are typically required due to the natural cyclical nature of hair growth and loss.

The outcomes are unpredictable and vary greatly. The majority of people have hair removal that lasts for several months, sometimes even years. However, permanent hair removal is not guaranteed by laser hair removal. Typically, regrowth hair is finer and lighter in hue.

If you want long-term hair reduction, you could require maintenance laser sessions.

Side effects:

Skin type, hair color, treatment plan, and adherence to pre- and post-treatment care all affect the likelihood of adverse effects. The following are the most typical adverse effects of laser hair removal:

Inflammation of the skin. Following laser hair removal, temporary discomfort, redness, and swelling are possible. Most symptoms and indicators go away in a few hours. 

Pigment alterations. The skin impacted by laser hair removal may become lighter or darker. These modifications could be long-term or short-term. Darker-skinned people and those who don’t protect themselves from the sun before or after treatment are the main targets of skin whitening.

Because laser hair removal can cause serious eye injuries, it is not advised to use it on the eyelids, eyebrows, or adjacent areas.

Dr. Lamia Tahsin Kamal Purnata
Medical Officer

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