Spending time outdoors is great for your health and can boost your vitamin D levels. However, too much exposure to the sun rays can damage your skin, leading to wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer. While most people use sunscreen during the summer or for extended outdoor activities, it’s equally important to use sunscreen or sunblock throughout the year, even when you’re indoors. So, should you wear sun protection daily? The short answer is yes, and here’s why.
Daily Sunscreen/ Sunblock: Why It Is Important?
Sun damage accumulates over time. Even if you aren’t spending hours outside, you’re still exposed to UV radiation. Consistent use of sunscreen helps protect your skin from harmful rays and reduces the risk of long term damage.
Benefits of Wearing Sun Protection Every Day
Prevents Sunburn
It blocks UVB rays, the primary cause of sunburns. UVB levels vary throughout the day and year, peaking at midday and in spring and fall, but they can burn you at any time. UVB rays penetrate through clouds, so protection is necessary even on rainy or cloudy days.
Reduces Skin Cancer Risk
Prolonged exposure to UV rays damages the DNA in skin cells, leading to abnormal growth and potential skin cancer. Sun protection products provide a barrier, blocking UV rays and reducing this risk.
Prevents Premature Aging
UV rays break down collagen and elastin, the proteins that maintain skin’s firmness. This leads to premature aging, fine lines, and sagging. Wearing sunscreen daily helps preserve your skin’s youthful appearance.
Prevents Blotchy Skin
UV exposure can enlarge small blood vessels on your face, resulting in red or purple patches that are hard to get rid of. Sunscreen prevents this damage, keeping your skin tone even and healthy.
Reduces Hyperpigmentation and Melasma
Chronic UV exposure can cause dark spots and worsen conditions like melasma. Daily sun protection use helps prevent the formation of these patches and keeps skin tone more uniform, regardless of skin tone.
Protects Against Skin Condition Flares
Certain skin conditions, such as cutaneous lupus and rosacea, can become aggravated by even minimal sun exposure without protection. By applying sunscreen daily, you can help safeguard your skin from these potential reactions.
Understanding SPF
SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, measures how well a sunscreen protects against UVB rays. An SPF 30 means it will take 30 times longer to burn than without any protection. SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks 98%, and SPF 100 blocks 99%. However, no sunscreen blocks 100% of UV rays.
It’s crucial to choose a broad spectrum sunscreen, which protects against both UVA and UVB rays, and remember that higher SPF provides slightly more protection.
How to Apply Sunscreen/Sunblock Properly?
Sunscreen is only effective when applied correctly. Follow these tips for optimal protection:
1. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen for UVA and UVB protection.
2. Apply it 15-20 minutes before going outside to allow it to fully absorb into your skin.
3. Use enough product
4. Reapply every 2-3 hours and after swimming or sweating, even if the sunscreen is water-resistant.
Sun Protection Products for Darker Skin Tones
Although darker skin offers some natural protection, it remains vulnerable to UV damage. Sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation and elevate the risk of skin cancer, which is often diagnosed later in individuals with darker skin. Using sunscreen daily helps prevent these concerns and is essential, no matter your skin tone.Conclusion
Daily sunscreen or sunblock use is crucial for protecting your skin from UV damage, preventing premature aging, and lowering the risk of skin cancer. No matter your skin tone or where you live, applying a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15 every day will help you maintain healthy, youthful skin for years to come.Dr. Tahnia Chowdhury
Medical OfficerI'm Tahnia Chowdhury, a medical officer.I hold MBBS degree from North East Medical College & Hospital, Sylhet and have 1.5 years of experience in Sylhet Monorug Hospital as a medical officer. My work is driven by my passion for aesthetic care and i believe in to serve my patient with affability
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