![Grab a cup of Bio Care colon cleanser tea daily to maintain your gut health](https://bioxincosmeceuticals.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Artboard-1-4-1.webp)
Tea is very popular and common drink across the globe. Its a hydrating beverages with a ranges of different types and flavours that has numerous health benefits.
Bio Care colon cleanser tea is riched with herbal ingredients that are designed to clean and remove toxins from the body, reduce abdominal distension, helping to established and maintain a healthy digestive system.
It is suitable for people who occasionally experience intestinal discomfort Such as constipation, flatulence, irritability, abdominal distension, colic etc and provides a safe, natural and lasting solution for intestine problems.
Now lets take a look on the ingredients of Bio Care colon cleanser tea with their health benefits –
Hemp seed : Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and rich in healthy fats, protein, vit-E, various minerals and dietary fiber. Fiber is crucial for healthy digestive system and hemp seeds are an excellent source source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Hemp seeds add bulk to stool, act as probiotic and feeds the good bacteria that lives in intestine. It is also linked to lowering the risk of bowel cancer.
Cassia seeds : Cassia seeds are widely used for its therapeutic benefits which includes laxative properties. It has the purgative anthraquinone like emodin that imparts the effect of laxative effect of treating constipation, keep large intestine well hydrated and facilitates bowel movement. The presence of organic compound called glycosides in cassia seeds improve the gastric secretion for promoting digestion. It also prevents the large intestine to build up heat during the digestive process.
Green tea : Green tea has been linked to improving gut health by populating healthy bacteria in the intestines.Green tea can help to easy the process of digestion which contributes to the improvement of gut health as well.
Liky : Lily usually used for swelling, water retention(edema), pain, bleeding and cough. It has usage for treating female reproductive system disorder.
Mulberry : Mulberries are filled with numerous health benefits. Mulberries are great for boosting digestive health, regulating blood sugar level and lowering cholesterol level.
Mulberries contain dietary fiber that helps to improve digestion by bulking up stool and facilating movement of food through digestive tract. As a consequence, they help relieving constitutional, bloating and stomach cramps.
Dosage : One to two of cup of Bio Care colon cleanser tea is recommended to take in a day.
N.B. It will be more appropriate to consult a nutritionist or dietitian before taking it if you anyone have other kind of health issues.
Keya Akter
Fitness NutritionistI'm Keya Akter, a nutritionist specializing in public health and wellness enhancement. I hold both a Graduation and Post Graduation degree from the University of Dhaka and have gained valuable experience through an internship in clinical nutrition and diet at NICVD (National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases). My work is driven by my passion for empowering individuals to achieve their health goals through personalized nutrition plans, and I believe in the transformative power of evidence-based practices and continuous learning. Connect with me to learn more about my professional journey.
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